Duke Related Websites
- Department of Philosophy, Duke University
Department of Biology, Duke University
Duke’s Department of Biology hosts numerous talks/seminars presented by biologists from various research institutions. For the complete schedule visit the seminars page. You can also subscribe to their emailing list for latest schedule changes and updates.
Constorium for the History and Philosophy of Biology
The annual Consortium for the History and Philosophy of Biology (CHPB) involves philosophers and biologists from four institutions–Duke University, Universtiy of Paris, University of Montreal, and University of Toronto–and has met annually for the last eight years.
Below are links to some e-journals available to the Duke Community. If you are a member of the Duke community but are accessing these websites outside of Duke, you will need to have a VPN (instructions available from the OIT website).
- Acta Biotheoretica
Journal of the History of Biology
The American Naturalist
Philosophy of Science
Biology and Philosophy
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
Journal of Philosophy
Evolutionary Ecology
Philosophy & Theory in Biology
Other Websites
- The International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)
Duke’s Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke University
Claus Emmeche’s list of Journals within Theoretical Biology, Philosophy of Biology, History of Biology and related areas
Darwin’s works (online)
Other resources in History and Philosophy of Biology (maintained by Roberta Millstein)
PhilBio Cafe
If you would like to post information about events or sites of interest to philosophy of biology community, please contact us with the relevant information.